Monday, August 12, 2013


Tonight I thought i'd touch on nutrition and fitness tonight, considering i'm going through balancing that in my life right now. A little over a year ago I looked in the mirror after getting out of the pool and I was just not happy with what I saw looking back at me so I decided to really commit and make a change...

First I will honestly say I was not as safe as I should've been, I was eating bad foods but restricting my calories to something ridiculous like 800 calories per day.. It was not healthy in any way.

But then one night I was up extremely late and channel surfing when I stopped on a commercial showing Insanity, after watching I knew what I wanted to do.
After I got back from my vacation to Boston I ordered it, about 7 months later I was at my DREAM BODY! I WAS SO HAPPPPPPYYY!!
Then my mind set went into that "oh, I'm skinny I can eat this and this and this and I'll just be fine," wrong. Two months ago I realized I ended up bigger than I was before and I was hating life, I would eat because I was sad which made me even more sad.. My mother sat me down one night (while I was eating a donut) and said she doesn't want me to be so sad anymore and she wants me to get back on track, to get back to my happy place.
Thats all it took, for my mother to tell me to get my act together, currently I'm doing insanity in the morning then going to the gym later at night to lift some weights (not super heavy but not super light either)

We'll see where i'm at in another seven months :)
This time though i've made a mental promise to myself that I will not give up this time and I will NEVER go back to that dark place..

I'm going to finish this up with some fitspo... hope you enjoy & please dont forget to comment!! :)

xo glitter

If you're waiting for a sign......this is it. :)

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